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- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundOpen
- ; Description:: Opens a sound file for use with other _Sound functions
- ; Parameter(s): $hFile - The sound file, $sAlias[optianal] - a name such as sound1,
- ; if you do not specify one it is randomly generated
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): string(the sound id) - Success, 0 - Failure
- ; @extended <> 0 - open failed, @error = 2 - File doesn't exist,
- ; @error = 3 - alias contains whitespace
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundOpen($hFile, $sAlias = "")
- ;Declare variables
- Local $sSnd_id, $iCurrentPos, $iRet, $asAlias
- ;check for file
- If Not FileExists($hFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- ;search for whitespace by character
- $asAlias = StringSplit($sAlias, "")
- For $iCurrentPos = 1 To $asAlias[0]
- If StringIsSpace($asAlias[$iCurrentPos]) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
- Next
- ;create random alias if one is not supplied
- If $sAlias = "" Then
- $sSnd_id = RandomStr(10)
- Else
- $sSnd_id = $sAlias
- EndIf
- ;open file
- $iRet = mciSendString("open " & FileGetShortName($hFile) & " alias " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id))
- Return SetError(0, $iRet, $sSnd_id)
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundOpen
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundClose
- ; Description:: Closes a sound
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - Failure
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundClose($sSnd_id)
- If mciSendString("close " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id)) = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundClose
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundPlay
- ; Description:: Plays a sound from the current position (beginning is the default)
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file
- ; $fWait - If set to 1 the script will wait for the sound to finish before continuing
- ; - If set to 0 the script will continue while the sound is playing
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 - Failure
- ; @error = 2 - $fWait is invalid, @error = 1 - play failed
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundPlay($sSnd_id, $fWait = 0)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iRet
- ;validate $fWait
- If $fWait <> 0 And $fWait <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- ;if sound has finished, seek to start
- If _SoundPos($sSnd_id, 2) = _SoundLength($sSnd_id, 2) Then mciSendString("seek " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " to start")
- ;If $fWait = 1 then pass wait to mci
- If $fWait = 1 Then
- $iRet = mciSendString("play " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " wait")
- Else
- $iRet = mciSendString("play " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id))
- EndIf
- ;return
- If $iRet = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundPlay
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundStop
- ; Description:: Stops the sound
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - Failure,
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundStop($sSnd_id)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iRet, $iRet2
- ;seek to start
- $iRet = mciSendString("seek " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " to start")
- ;stop
- $iRet2 = mciSendString("stop " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id))
- ;return
- If $iRet = 0 And $iRet2 = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundStop
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundPause
- ; Description:: Pauses the sound
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - Failure,
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundPause($sSnd_id)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iRet
- ;pause sound
- $iRet = mciSendString("pause " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id))
- ;return
- If $iRet = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundPause
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundResume
- ; Description:: Resumes the sound after being paused
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - Failure,
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundResume($sSnd_id)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iRet
- ;resume sound
- $iRet = mciSendString("resume " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id))
- ;return
- If $iRet = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundResume
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundLength
- ; Description:: Returns the length of the sound in the format hh:mm:ss
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file,
- ; $iMode = 1 - hh:mm:ss, $iMode = 2 - milliseconds
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): Length of the sound - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - $iMode is invalid
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundLength($sSnd_id, $iMode = 1)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iSnd_len_ms, $iSnd_len_min, $iSnd_len_hour, $iSnd_len_sec, $sSnd_len_format
- ;validate $iMode
- If $iMode <> 1 And $iMode <> 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- ;tell mci to use time in milliseconds
- mciSendString("set " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " time format miliseconds")
- ;recieve length of sound
- $iSnd_len_ms = mciSendString("status " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " length")
- ;assign modified data to variables
- $iSnd_len_min = Int($iSnd_len_ms / 60000)
- $iSnd_len_hour = Int($iSnd_len_min / 60)
- $iSnd_len_sec = Int(Int($iSnd_len_ms / 1000) - ($iSnd_len_min * 60))
- ;assign formatted data to $sSnd_len_format
- $sSnd_len_format = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $iSnd_len_hour, $iSnd_len_min, $iSnd_len_sec)
- ;return correct variable
- If $iMode = 1 Then Return $sSnd_len_format
- If $iMode = 2 Then Return $iSnd_len_ms
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundLength
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundSeek
- ; Description:: Seeks the sound to a specified time
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen (must NOT be a file), $iHour, $iMin, $iSec
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): 1 - Success, 0 and @error = 1 - Failure,
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundSeek($sSnd_id, $iHour, $iMin, $iSec)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iMs = 0
- Local $iRet
- ;prepare mci to recieve time in milliseconds
- mciSendString("set " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " time format miliseconds")
- ;modify the $iHour, $iMin and $iSec parameters to be in milliseconds
- ;and add to $iMs
- $iMs += $iSec * 1000
- $iMs += $iMin * 60 * 1000
- $iMs += $iHour * 60 * 60 * 1000
- ; seek sound to time ($iMs)
- $iRet = mciSendString("seek " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " to " & $iMs)
- ;return
- If $iRet = 0 Then
- Return 1
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundSeek
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundStatus
- ; Description:: All devices can return the "not ready", "paused", "playing", and "stopped" values.
- ; Some devices can return the additional "open", "parked", "recording", and "seeking" values.(MSDN)
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): Sound Status
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundStatus($sSnd_id)
- ;return status
- Return mciSendString("status " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " mode")
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundStatus
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SoundPos
- ; Description:: Returns the current position of the song
- ; Parameter(s): $sSnd_id - Sound ID returned by _SoundOpen or sound file,
- ; $iMode = 1 - hh:mm:ss, $iMode = 2 - milliseconds
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt 3.2 ++
- ; Return Value(s): Current Position - Success, @error = 1 - $iMode is invalid
- ; Author(s): RazerM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SoundPos($sSnd_id, $iMode = 1)
- ;Declare variables
- Local $iSnd_pos_ms, $iSnd_pos_min, $iSnd_pos_hour, $iSnd_pos_sec, $sSnd_pos_format
- ;validate $iMode
- If $iMode <> 1 And $iMode <> 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
- ;tell mci to use time in milliseconds
- mciSendString("set " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " time format miliseconds")
- ;receive position of sound
- $iSnd_pos_ms = mciSendString("status " & FileGetShortName($sSnd_id) & " position")
- ;modify data and assign to variables
- $iSnd_pos_min = Int($iSnd_pos_ms / 60000)
- $iSnd_pos_hour = Int($iSnd_pos_min / 60)
- $iSnd_pos_sec = Int(Int($iSnd_pos_ms / 1000) - ($iSnd_pos_min * 60))
- ;assign formatted data to $sSnd_pos_format
- $sSnd_pos_format = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $iSnd_pos_hour, $iSnd_pos_min, $iSnd_pos_sec)
- ;return correct variable
- If $iMode = 1 Then Return $sSnd_pos_format
- If $iMode = 2 Then Return $iSnd_pos_ms
- EndFunc ;==>_SoundPos
- ;internal functions
- Func mciSendString($string)
- Local $iRet
- $iRet = DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "mciSendStringA", "str", $string, "str", "", "int", 65534, "hwnd", 0)
- If Not @error Then Return $iRet[2]
- EndFunc ;==>mciSendString
- Func RandomStr($len)
- Local $string
- For $iCurrentPos = 1 To $len
- $string &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1))
- Next
- Return $string
- EndFunc ;==>RandomStr